When you see the Chapter’s new shirts, their banners, or any of their branded gear, more often than not, the source is clear: Al Layton and his company, Presher Ink. Presher Ink, based out of Chester, PA, began when Al, a graduate of Johnson C. Smith University, put his entrepreneurial mindset to work. In the mid-2000s, Al began to design items for numerous activities and organizations in the city of Chester. In fact, the city of Chester makes up his largest consumer base; however, he has continued to expand in his variety and versatility, and this has allowed his business to reach groups on a much larger scale. Presher Ink has become a go-to guy for graphic design and customization needs throughout the tri-state area.
Al embodies his vision for Presher Ink, and has always proclaimed and marketed the company as a “one-stop shop for graphic design.” Presher Ink’s services range from custom apparel, uniforms, and athletic wear to banners, signs, logos, flyers, and business cards. While there are other companies that provide some of these services, LDS stands by Presher Ink’s personal service, business sense, and community engagement. Presher Ink creates gear for many community, faith-based, and youth organizations, and strikes an excellent balance between entrepreneurship and public service.
If you check out Presher Ink’s website, you get a small taste of what he has to offer. While all of his work is custom, there are a few items that are available to the masses, created and officially connected to his alma mater. Presher Ink, with a slogan of “…the company who does that too,” works with clients through every step of the process and provides, in our opinion, more personal, more professional, and more transparent service than their competitors. If you have a design need, or, more appropriate, a design dream, hit up Presher Ink and they will make it a reality!
If you check out Social Media, you probably see much of Presher Ink’s work. Many of the backdrops, graduation banners, team uniforms, and celebration t-shirts that you see floating around are often created by this passionate and caring business. With this being one of Presher Ink’s most demanding times of year, it is encouraging to know that they are committed to service and value to the community. Check out some of their deals on graduation banners. Represent your graduates on any level well with banners, backdrops or more custom gear. Tell them that LDS sent you!

Follow them @presherink or visit presherink.com
Presher Ink ships worldwide, and, will often hand-deliver to your events! They are officially LDS Chapter approved. Check them out, and contact them for more information or to create your own custom order.