The Brothers of ΛΔΣ work hard to serve New Castle County, Delaware exemplifying the high ideals of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service – Since 2000

Ronald Shaw
Chapter President
David Clayton
Vice President
David Euwings
DE State Director
Carlton Adams
Delaware Sigma-Zeta Liaison
Kwaku Attoh

William Bessicks

Thomas Bond

Kevin Branche

James Brinson

Johnie Burton

Jeff Butler
NPHC Representative
Terrance Carew

Shawn Carn
Mikkel Christie
Dante Collins

Matthew Cowdery

Zachary Crawford

Dr. Dwayne Dixon
Delaware Director of Education
Calvin Duker, Jr.

Alexander Fawra, Jr.
Kenneth Gatson

Keith Glover

Wayne Greene

Dave Griffith

Robert Gunter

Dale J. Harris
Immediate Past DE State Director
Julio Hewitt

Derek Jackson

Clarence "Randy" Johnson, Jr.
Andrew Johnstone

Elijah Jolly

Lamont Josey

Luther Kay, Jr.

Carlyle Lawrence

David McGinnis

Dr. Malik Muhammad
Director of Social Action
Keith Merritt

Charles Nelson

James Nicholson

Alexander Peterson

Michael Rabb

Michael "Rudy" Rabb

Neil Reeves
Joel Riley
Financial Secretary
Zackery Rogers
Director of Publicity
Marcus Ross
Calvin Samuel
Director of Education
James Simmons

Dr. Elton Smith

James Thomas

Marcus Tyrance

Eros Uthman-Olukokun
DE Sigma Beta Clubs Coordinator
Isaac Vaughn

Marsalis Warren
Immediate Past President, Vice State Director
Christopher Washington

Mark White I

Terrell Williams

Jordan Wynn
Dir. of Bigger and Better Business