With warm greetings and an open heart, I wish to thank you for visiting our website. While Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has improved social, economic, and spiritual outcomes for many communities over the past 109 years, I am ecstatic to serve as a member of this great Chapter, which has been a mainstay in New Castle County since the turn of the century. When assuming this role, I was asked by some about my “vision,” and I responded with this: “We’ve got to get back to the Brotherhood.”
The parallels of Brotherhood in our fraternal and familial lives are many; however, some key attributes include an ability to “stand in the gap” with our words and actions, the capacity to provide physical or intellectual “muscle” in situations that demand it, and the tenacity to conduct ourselves in a manner which embodies the old adage: “The name on the front is much more important than the name on the back.”
Whether through our programming, membership retention efforts, or community outreach, the Lambda Delta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is positioned to serve. We acknowledge the completed work to date; however, we also know that a new season of impact is upon us. Our chapter is diverse in identities, talents, experiences, and individual passions. Because of this, we are working to set a standard for continued connection, challenge, and collaboration—not only within our Chapter membership, but also with our community and organizational partners, especially our constitutionally-bound sisters of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. What is true internally is also true externally: we are “Better Together.”
Whether you are a college-educated man seeking membership and brotherhood within our Fraternity, a community or corporate leader interested in developing a partnership, or a Sigma man looking to “come home,” we would love to connect with you. May our influence be carried through more than our words!
In Unity,
Ronald Shaw