This past weekend, the Mighty Eastern Region of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity held its’ second Regional Board Meeting of the year. During this meeting, a great deal of Fraternity business was discussed, including the current plans and order of the day for the 2021 Conclave. There was one outcome of great significance to the Lambda Delta Sigma Chapter, as Marsalis Warren, LDS Chapter President, was confirmed to be appointed to the Regional Grievance Committee.

This committee, a “true standing committee” to which appointment is determined at the pleasure of the Fraternity’s Regional Director, reviews any and all grievances brought forth by Chapters or individual Brothers for disposition. Service in this capacity indicates true knowledge of Fraternity standards and guidelines.
With this appointment, Brother President Warren describes himself as a “small man in a big pond;” however, his chapter brothers recognize the significance of this appointment.
The Chapter extends best wishes to its President on this new venture.