This week, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. will hold its biennial Conclave, the gathering of the legislative body of the Fraternity. While this version is much different than previous incarnations (this is the first “hybrid” Conclave in Fraternity history), the excitement shared by Brothers and Chapters remains unmatched.

As previously reported, Brother David Euwings, Immediate Past President, will serve as the Resolutions Committee Chair. Brother David Clayton, Chapter Secretary, will engage in the business as the official Chapter Delegate. A strong contingent of chapter brothers will be taking part in the events via the in-person and virtual options. Please stay plugged in to the Chapter and individual brothers via social media outlets for more updates.

Please feel free to plug in with individual Brothers and Chapter Social Media for more updates! Continue to stay safe and exercise keen judgement! See you soon!
For a copy of the official Fraternity press release regarding Conclave 2021, click here.