On Saturday, December 21st, the Lambda Delta Sigma Chapter showed why their commitment to serving the community has multiple layers. First, the Chapter, in collaboration with the Epsilon Rho Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta and the Police Athletic League of Wilmington (DE), presented their annual Cookies with Santa event to the New Castle County community. This event, which included an appearance from “Sigma Claus” himself, saw over 60 local youth enjoy a delicious lunch, games and activities (which included a well-contested gift wrapping competition), prizes, gifts, and, of course, cookie decorating with Mr. Claus himself. This has become one of the signature programs of the Chapter and is also a dynamic representation of their relationship with their Sorors of Epsilon Rho Zeta.

Later in the day, the Chapter was recognized for their service to the community by the Delaware Africa Coalition, an organization described as “committed to advancing the interests of people of African descent in Delaware and beyond.” The DAC was particularly grateful for the Chapter’s volunteer efforts at the “Taste of Africa” celebration, a culturally inclusive event which blended cuisine, visual and performing arts, civic engagement, education, and celebration. The Lambda Delta Sigma chapter took the lead in assisting with a well-planned, thoroughly executed, and well-received event. Brothers of the Chapter have appeared on the DAC’s radio show on multiple occasions and are consistently recognized for the organization’s genuine commitment to serving the New Castle County Community.

The Lambda Delta Sigma Chapter is celebrating their 20th Anniversary and wishes to share the celebration for everyone!