While we continue to be in times of unpredictability, it begins to feel as if there are some things we can count on. Among these things, one is the ability for Brothers of Lambda Delta Sigma to continue demonstrating leadership on all levels. Today, we proudly share another important appointment for our own Brother David E. Euwings.

Conclave 2021 is set to begin in Myrtle Beach on August 3, 2021. Brother Euwings, current State Director and our Chapter’s Immediate Past President, has entered a rare space as he has been tapped to chair the Conclave Resolutions Committee for the third time in a row, having served in this role during Conclave 2017 (Detroit) and 2019 (Las Vegas).
While he is no stranger to leadership, having served in numerous capacities locally and internationally, Brother Euwings does not take the trust of the Fraternity for granted. He believes that this appointment is a credit to the Brothers of LDS who have laid a foundation for him, and has expressed a desire to continue engaging in effective work to not only advance the mission and vision of the Brotherhood; but also facilitate quality service to our communities.
The Chapter is perpetually proud of Brother Euwings and looks forward to joining him, both in-person and virtually at Conclave 2021!